Ruckdeschel, C. 2005.
First Georgia specimen of the brown booby. FL Field Naturalist 33(2):50.
Ruckdeschel, C. 2003.
Chuck-will’s widow: fatal forage. The Oriole 68(1&2):13-14.
Ruckdeschel, C., C. R. Shoop, and G.R. Zug.
Sea Turtles of the Georgia Coast. Occasional Publications of the Cumberland Island Museum No. 1. St. Marys, GA: Cumberland Island Museum, 2000. Pp. x+100.
Ruckdeschel, C. and C. R. Shoop. 1998.
Trauma to stranded sea turtles before and during required TED use. IN Byles, R. & Y. Fernandez (Compilers). Proceedings, 16th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology & Conservation. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-412: 122-123.
Ruckdeschel, C., C.R. Shoop, and D. Sibley. 1998.
First sighting of the shiny cowbird in Georgia. Oriole 61(2&3):29-30.
Ruckdeschel, C. and C.R. Shoop. 1998.
Georgia Specimens of the sooty shearwater. Oriole 61(2&3):42-43.
Shoop, C. R., C. Ruckdeschel, and R. Kenney. 1998. Female-biased sex ratio of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in Georgia. Chelonian Conservation & Biology. 3(1):93-96.
Shoop, C. R. and C. Ruckdeschel. 1997.
Geographic distribution: Ophisaurus compressus. Herpetological Review 28(3):157.